What is a brand we consider to be?

If someone among our family members or friends circle is found to be wicked & restless then we call him/her bray, talkative & outspoken and vice versa, who is so soft & introvert, we call him/her raticent, stupid.
A “brand” is like that to some extend as well! On hearing about a vehicle like “Toyota” brand, our brain calculates it is low cost maintenance & has the long lasting usage, if hear about Lexus or Jaguar it sounds expensive ones & about TATA it sounds to be cheap & considered not to run longer days. Everyone consider product of local group of companies like Square, Beximco, ACI to be better ones. In general, peoples consider the news published in the daily Prothom Alo to be reliable. Did the other brands like NOKIA, iPhones, Samsung, Apple, Coca-Cola & elevator brands like Otis, Schindler, Kone, Mitsubishi & so on famous brands achieve the success in their respective field / business in a single day? Definitely not! Brand building is not a task of just days, it makes its own spaces though some different process / steps and finally earn familiarities & customer bonding. For me, Love You, Red, Valentine, Love, Design branding are a bit stories like falling in to love. If any product is not eye-catching & quality one then it will no way be able to create a long lasting impact or acceptability among the customers. For an example, a love seeker makes him tidy, apply gel in his hairs & starts roaming around beautiful girls to get himself attracted & tries to impress the girls, so a brand does the same thing. For a brand, at first stage it makes advertisements to draw attention of the target customers. Second stage is “CONGRUENCE”, the love seeker, who roamed around the beautiful girl, but if that beautiful girl is already in love with someone else then there will be no result for that love seeker. So, if anyone is satisfied with quality & service of a product then until & unless he/she finds any negativity of that product (like that girl, who is unless & until in any relationship crisis with her boyfriend) & an additional advantages of your brand (like, if you don’t have any additional qualities) then the “CONGRUENCE” will be a subject to decease at the very outset on the field of contest.

Subsequent step of the “CONGRUENCE” is performance. If success is achieved in the second step then the product is possible to be sold to the target customers. Your product or service performance will play roll in determing if the customers are inclined to buy the product repeatedly. It is wise to be on toes to be refrained to give excessive commitment & say ill of competitors product to the the customers, because intelligent customers take these as an indication of being cheated or nonsense. So positive branding is the best, otherwise both boats will go away. Last but not the least is to build bonding, it means to be very careful not to let generate any negative sense about your product and it has to be monitored intensively & then it will be possible to build a long lasting bonding. In conclusion, we must be on our toes & try our best to establish a quality brand amidst supplying quality product & rendering quality service, Insha’Allah! I seek pray from those who are my well wisher to see me successful & same from those who do not want me to be successful as well. Cooperation or non cooperation of you all is my strength after-all!! Thanks!