As the world tries to keep moving fighting lockdowns, and creating an environment where safety and health are steady against infections, DOPPLER aims to help people keep enjoying the comfort our vertical transportation systems provide.

Caring about you, we developed these hygiene and well-being solutions, ensuring technicians and final clients are protected from viruses, bacteria molds, and fungi.

Safe to touch, clean to breathe

DOPPLER wants to provide a safe to touch and breathe lift environment as well. Thus we equip our lifts with air and surface cleaners that sanitize them from any kind of dangerous to face factors:

AIR Sterilizer is a device built exactly for elevators and closed spaces, sterilizes the air you breathe killing 99% of germs and 99.76% influenza virus, using UV photocatalyst sterilization.
The AIR STERILIZER has also a smart eye detected when people are in the cabin, to immediately start working. Finally, the delayed shutdown function will continue to disinfect for a period of time after a person leaves the elevator.
Side or roof mounting.
Make a lift call with a light hand gesture to the button. Able to operate as a Landing or Cabin Operating panel. High end, stylish yet hygienic, the touchless buttons are the latest trend in elevators technology.